John 14:30 NIV
In the last days of Jesus as the Son of Man, it was very clear in every way that Jesus was in full control of His destiny. As He prepared himself for His death and resurrection, He was only doing His Father’s will and Satan was not in control until God allowed it for the Scripture to be fulfilled.
As we go through life, there are many times that we let Satan, as it is stated in the Scripture, the prince of this world, be in control. We get this from giving into temptation, turning away from people in need, and not following the commands of God. We focus on the things that bring us worldly happiness knowing that the happiness fades and prevents us from true peace, the peace that only God can provide.
Sometimes it can be hard to understand what God has our purpose to be. You can ask yourself, is what I am doing for me or for God. You know what the right answer should be.
As you move through today, even if you change nothing during the day, just keep a simple score card in your head. 1 For Me, 1 For God. Know one even needs to know what you are doing. Add one to each side when you are making choices. If the number for you is higher, maybe it is time for a change. Keeping aligned with God and allow him to be in control will give you peace and will deny Satan his pleasure of ruling your life.
It is also important to remember that God is not keeping score. He wants to be part of your life if you will have him.