316 Ministry will be holding an online session on the proper way to budget your income to your expenses. Often times we may find ourselves short or asking the question, do we have enough to make that purchase or are we saving enough to make the down payment on our first house? Just to be clear, this is not a financial advisor session. Just some good old fashion budgeting to help you plan ahead.
Topics covered:
- Understanding the purpose of a budget
- How to gather what money you have coming in
- Tips on how to live off of what you are making
- How to track your spending
- Good rule of thumb on keeping a savings
- How to manage the outgoing expenses
- Credit Report and Score Basics
We expect this session to be about 30 minutes but might run longer dependent on how many questions we have.
This event is free and is offered by 316 Ministry.
Zoom details will be added here once the class has been scheduled. If you are interested in this class, please send a quick email to training@316ministry.cc and we will notify you when the class is available.