Testimony: How to write it


Here is a list of questions to think about when forming your story. This provides you a rough outline from which you can write sentences and paragraphs about your own experiences.


1. Before you met Christ, what were some of your needs, what was lacking, or what was missing in your life?

2. What solutions for your life did you try that didn’t work?


1. What were the circumstances that caused you to consider Christ?

2. Tell how you trusted Christ, and briefly include the gospel.


1. Give an example of how Christ met your needs or how He is now contributing to your life.

2. End with a sentence to the effect that you know that you have eternal life through Christ.”

Yours may be a very complex story, but try to keep it short and succinct. Use the above guidelines to keep Christ at the center of your story.

Once you’ve written out your story, it’s time to share it! Who in your life would benefit from hearing your testimony?